Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Tunes University

Since our school is supposed to be adopting the one to one technology program, several apple representatives were out visiting our school yesterday. Part of the reason was to meet with the community to tell them about the program. So our professional development person set us up to have a short inservice type meeting with one of the representatives. He showed us that there is an educational part of the I Tunes store called I Tunes U. This site has lots of things from a variety of universities including lesson plans that include technology from the Universtiy of Southern Florida. Unfortunately, these lesson plans are not in written format. They are just movie clips with the teacher explaining and showing how to do the lesson. I find I would prefer something written so I can add it to my collection. There are links to places like the Smithsonian, PBS, and other web sites. Again, most of the material is movie clips rather than anything in written format. I found a few math things but mostly the clips dealt with the history of math, not with actual math teacher. There was really more for science.
I access it by clickin on my Itunes program, then I tunes store, then I tunes U. However, you can go to then click on I Tunes store, and then find I tunes U under Mac or do a search and you can learn more about it.

1 comment:

Mona Hoscheid said...

Thank you for the information on I tune U it will be fun for me to check it out. I will pass the site along.